FAMLI By The Numbers

Submitted by [user:field_first_name]

FAMLI Applications Data, Year to Date

All data on this page is current as of July 1, 2024. The FAMLI Division is committed to providing consistent and accurate information about the progress and use of Colorado’s new voter-approved program. If you have any questions about the statistics below, please reach out to CDLE's Media Contact within the Office of Government, Policy and Public Relations: cdle_pr@state.co.us.

Applications & Payments

This table shows the number of applications submitted to FAMLI for the current year to date, as well as the total amount paid to claimants.

Applications submittedTotal paid to claimants



FAMLI Applications by Type

This table shows an overview of FAMLI applications by type. These totals include all applications regardless of claim status.  

Leave TypeTotal Applications
Parental (Bonding) Leave32,834
Medical Leave To Care For Yourself38,510
Pregnancy (Medical Leave To Care For Yourself)3,116
Medical Leave To Care For A Family Member10,368
Military Family Members (Exigency) Leave167
Safe Leave (Domestic Violence)1,491

FAMLI Applications by Status

Application StatusTotal Applications
Active (claimants are currently on leave)18,232
Complete (the duration of the leave has ended)44,400
Pending leave start date655
Pending additional information6,612
Closed (claims that expired after the claimant did not submit required information after 60 days)3,985
Canceled (the claimant decided to cancel the claim)9,114