Administrators can withdraw from the FAMLI program by submitting a withdrawal request on the Account Participation Status Change page. This only applies to the following reasons: business closure, business with no reporting requirements, transitioning to independent contractors only, account set up in error, sold company, merger/acquisition, and employee of opted out local government changed jobs (new job). These users must upload required documentation in My FAMLI+ Employer to complete the process. If approved, users will be blocked from reporting wages starting from the applicable quarter when their participation in FAMLI becomes inactive. Users are still responsible for wages and payments for quarters in which they participate in FAMLI.
Account Participation Status Change can be found in the Manage My Account card of the dashboard. Only the administrators on the employer account have access to this link.

Selecting the link leads to the Account Participation Status Change page. Administrator users must enter the appropriate account name to select the employer that will be changing its participation in FAMLI.

Users can still access My FAMLI+ Employer to report wages paid through the effective date of their business status change and pay any outstanding balance. They will be able to upload any additional documentation during the review process.
The system will open a form for an administrator to complete. The administrator must enter: Account Participation Status Reason, Effective Date of Change, Additional Explanation (optional) and an attestation box. Options for reasons are: Business Closed, Business with No Reporting Requirements, Transitioning to Independent Contractors only, Account set up in error, Sold Company, Business Reorganization, Merger/Acquisition, and Employee of Opted Out Local Government changed jobs (new job).

After selecting the reason for the participation change from the given options, the system tells users what supporting documentation is necessary. The administrator can then upload the required files.

Next, an administrator has to check the attestation box and select Submit. The confirmation page will follow.

Appendix: System-Generated Error Messaging
These errors are communicated via email to the customer, and will not generate an error notification in the system. Our customers may reach out to the Contact Center, 1-866-CO-FAMLI, to understand the meaning of these error messages. Most of these errors are issues that the customer can resolve on their own. Updates to widespread issues will be published on our website.
Error Message: The file you submitted for FAMLI registration was not able to be processed as it contains bad data. Please correct the data and try again. Error Details - [error detail]
Cause: This error message occurs when the file's required fields have been populated, but contain incorrect values.
Example: The Company Type field accepts a finite list of possible values. The error detail would say something like this if a value outside of the allowed list was sent: employers/0/type BARBER is not a valid enum value.
Error Message: The file you submitted for FAMLI registration was not able to be processed due to an internal error. Please wait 15 minutes and submit the file again.
Cause: This occurs when MuleSoft cannot connect to Salesforce. This would be due to a network or server outage that is out of our control. The only option is to try again later.
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Error Message: The requested resource does not exist, tpaId - [number]
Cause: This is the error that occurs when the submitted TPA Identification value doesn't correspond to a TPA in the FAMLI system. TPA ID’s are 10 digits long.
Error Message: Employer already exists in FAMLI
Cause: This occurs when a file contains the information for an employer that has already been registered with the FAMLI system. They do not need to be registered more than once.
Error Message: One or more of the attributes has empty string as value
Cause: This occurs when one of the following required fields has an empty string as a value. A string is defined by quotes, and an empty string has no spaces or characters between the quotes. These are required fields and cannot be missing or empty. NOTE: This is not the same as a missing value.
- Employer Legal Name
- Employer Street Address line 1
- Employer City
- Employer State
- Employer Postal Code
- Employer Company Type
Error Message: “The file you submitted for FAMLI Wage Report was not able to be processed due to an internal error. Please wait 15 minutes and submit the file again”.
Cause: This occurs when MuleSoft cannot connect to Salesforce. This would be due to a network or server outage that is out of our control. The only option is to try again later. Check our website, follow FAMLI on social media, and subscribe to our newsletter to receive real-time updates.
Error Message: “Quarter Not Found”
Cause: This occurs when the dates in the file do not correspond to a quarter. The wage report FAMLI premium start and end dates must be within one quarter and cannot cross quarterly boundaries.
Error Message: “Preparer's FEIN is not valid”
Cause: This is the error that occurs when the submitted preparer FEIN doesn't correspond to a preparer record in the FAMLI system. Federal Employer Identification Numbers are 9 digits long and must correspond to a preparer (third party administrator, employer, etc.) that has already created an account in the FAMLI system.
Error Message: “The file submitted contains bad data. Please correct the data and try again. Error Details - [error detail]”
Cause: This occurs for various types of errors.
- Missing values: /0/employers/0 required key [paymentAmountTotal] not found
- Bad type of data: /0/employers/9/employees/0/wagesThisQtr expected type: Number, found: String
- Bad Date Format: /0/FAMLIPremiumStart [4/1/26] is not a valid date. Expected [yyyy-MM-dd]
- Bad DateTime Format: /0/settlementDate [2022-12-10T00:00:] is not a valid date-time. Expected [yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ, yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.[0-9]{1,9}Z, yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss[+-]HH:mm, yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.[0-9]{1,9}[+-]HH:mm]
Error Message: “Latest wage report already present in FAMLI”
Cause: This message appears when a submitted wage has an earlier Settlement Date than a wage report that had already been submitted.
Error Message: “One or more of the required values (employerLegalName, busAdrStreet1, busAdrCity, busAdrStateCode, busAdrPostalCode, busAdrCountry, totalWagesThisPeriod and payment amount total) is/are empty string/s”
Cause: This occurs when one of the following required fields has an empty string as a value. A string is defined by quotes, and an empty string has no spaces or characters between the quotes. These are required fields and cannot be missing or empty. NOTE: This is not the same as a missing value.
- Employer Legal Name
- Employer Street Address line 1
- Employer City
- Employer State
- Employer Postal Code
- Employer Country
- Employer Total Wages This Period
- Employer Payment Amount Total
Error Message: “The employer is not represented by the Third Party Administrator and therefore could not be processed”
Cause: This occurs when a third party administrator sends a wage report for an employer that they do not represent. The code checks for third party relationships between the third party administrator and the employer, and if one exists, does it cover the time period in the wage report file. If there is no third party relationship or the time period isn't valid, this message will be sent.
Error Message: “Employer Not Found. Please Register Employer in FAMLI First”
Cause: This occurs when an employer's wage report data is submitted, but they haven't been registered in FAMLI yet.