My FAMLI+ Employer User Guide — Wages & Payments


My FAMLI+ Employer User Guide Banner — Wages & Payments

Wage Reporting

Employers are required to report wages on a quarterly basis. Once an employer has completed the registration process in the My FAMLI+ Employer portal, they will be able to report wages and make payments. Wage reporting can be done manually, or by submitting a wage report document in either XML or CSV format. A technical guide for Wage Report File formats can be found here. 

Employers with less than 10 employees are not required to pay the employer share but are still responsible for collecting and remitting the employees’ share on behalf of their employees. Headcount for your company is based on the prior year’s headcount. 

 Note: Employers that are approved by the FAMLI Division to use a private plan will not be able to submit wage reports for quarters after the start date of the approved private plan.


Manual Wage Entry


If you are remitting wages for a small number of employees, you can manually enter wage reports from the main dashboard. From your dashboard, select Go to Wages

My FAMLI+ Employer Manual Wage Reporting Dashboard

To manually enter wages, select Add Wages and select Continue

My FAMLI+ Employer Manual Wage Reporting Add Wages

You can search for your organization either by name or FEIN. 

My FAMLI+ Employer Manual Wage Reporting Account Selection

Once you have found the account you need to report wages for, you will need to select the time period (month, quarter, and year) in which you are reporting wages. Select the quarter and year you are reporting wages for and select Continue

My FAMLI+ Employer Manual Wage Reporting Account Selection Details

When wages are reported manually, text in red stating Please ensure you are reporting wages for the correct quarter appears under the Payroll Period to ensure that the user is reporting for the right wage reporting period. With the time period selected, enter your employee’s Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) followed by first and last name, and gross wages for the quarter selected. Enter the amount withheld. You can enter $0.00 up to 0.45% of the Subject Wages. When you have selected the correct choice for your employee’s identification number, begin entering their information. Select Add to complete this employee’s entry. 

My FAMLI+ Employer Manual Wage Reporting Account Add Wages

If you have multiple employees to enter, repeat this process until all employees have been entered. 

Note: You need to select SSN or ITIN for each employee. When you have entered the wage information for all your employees, select Submit

The system will provide a Report Summary when you are done submitting wages. 

My FAMLI+ Employer Manual Wage Reporting Report Summary

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Uploading Wage Reports


For employers that would prefer to report wages in a document, you have the option to upload a “single filer” wage document. Wage reports can be XML files or CSV files. 

Select Go to Wages from your dashboard. When you arrive at the Report Wages page select Upload a File and select Continue

If this is your first time uploading wage data and you need assistance, you will find resources and a Wages FAQ on this page. 

My FAMLI+ Employer Uploading Wage Reports Resources

There are also CSV and XML templates available for download, and a link to the Specifications Guide, which offers explanations and important information about how to set up your wage report documents. 

My FAMLI+ Employer Uploading Wage Reports Upload File

Once your wage report is prepared, you can upload the document by selecting Upload Files. A dialog box will open to show the status of your upload. Once this is complete select Done in the dialog box, and select Submit

My FAMLI+ Employer Uploading Wage Reports Upload File In Progress

The system will notify you when your file has been submitted successfully. 

My FAMLI+ Employer Uploading Wage Reports Upload File Submitted

Wage reports cannot be uploaded until the employer has been verified. Employer verification can happen immediately or may take up to a week. Every employer is different, and the amount of time verification takes will vary. 

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Viewing and Editing Wage Reports


Once you have entered your employee wage information or uploaded a wage report, you will be able to view the wage reports by quarter. From the employer dashboard, navigate to Wages & Payments. You will see your account name along with your FEIN, wages, balances, and status. In the upper right, you will see the deadline for submitting wage reports for the current quarter. 

My FAMLI+ Employer Viewing Editing Wages Dashboard

By selecting the account name, you will be brought to your wage report list, which is sorted by quarter. Here, you will see the total subject wages, premiums owed, any penalties that have accrued, your balance, and the payment status. 

My FAMLI+ Employer Viewing Editing Wages Status

Administrators and editors linked to the Employer account can view wage reports by selecting View. Users can use Edit Wages to make wage-related edits. 

My FAMLI+ Employer Viewing Editing Wages Corrections

 Note: For security purposes, a third party administrator cannot view detailed wage reports in the portal for clients they represent. 

Selecting Edit Wages takes you to the Report Wages page. Here users can select Add Wages, then choose the payroll period they are reporting wages for, then select Continue. This takes you to the page that will display previously reported employees’ SSN/ITIN, first and last names, gross wages, and withheld amounts. Users then can add additional employee information or edit gross and withheld amounts by selecting the pencil icon next to the chosen column. 

My FAMLI+ Employer Viewing Editing Wages Add Wages

Users can add employee information again and select Submit to overwrite previously reported data. In this case, the pop-up window will indicate Existing Record Found and provide options to Cancel or Overwrite. If you select Overwrite, the system will save the newest report. 

Users will receive an email notification about an updated wage report. 

My FAMLI+ Employer Viewing Editing Wages Email

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 Third Party Administrator Wage Reporting


Bulk Uploading Wage Reports

Under most circumstances, TPAs should take the opportunity to bulk upload wage reports. Wage reports can be CSV or XML files. Resources for TPAs, including wage reporting file specifications, can be found on our TPA page.

There are a number of ways you can reach the wage report upload page from the dashboard. If you do not need to review the status of your client accounts or take any other actions on your client accounts select Go to Wages from the TPA dashboard. 

My FAMLI+ Employer TPA Wage Reporting Go To Wages

Choose Upload a File for the wage reporting method and select Continue.

My FAMLI+ Employer TPA Wage Reporting Upload A File

From the Adding Wage Data page, select Upload File

My FAMLI+ Employer TPA Wage Reporting Adding Wage Data

An Upload Files dialog box will open, showing the progress of your upload. Select Done and select Submit once this dialog box closes.

My FAMLI+ Employer TPA Wage Reporting Upload Files Progress Dialog Box

The system will notify you when your file has been uploaded successfully. 

My FAMLI+ Employer TPA Wage Reporting Upload Successful

The system will generate error messaging differently depending on the file type used for your bulk wage report. For a list of bulk registration and wage reporting error messages and what they mean, see the System Generated Error Messaging section of the appendix.

Viewing Wage Reports

Once you have entered employee wage information or uploaded a wage report you can view your wage reports by quarter. From the main dashboard, navigate to the Wages & Payments dashboard. If you are a TPA with employees in Colorado and are managing your TPA employer account and your clients as one user, you will see your employer account as well as the accounts of your clients. In the upper right, you will see the deadline for submitting wage reports for the current quarter.

My FAMLI+ Employer TPA Viewing Wage Reports Wages and Payments Screen

By selecting the account name, you will find your wage report list, which is sorted by quarter. Here, you will see the total subject wages, premiums owed, any penalties that have accrued, your balance, and the payment status. 

My FAMLI+ Employer TPA Viewing Wage Reports Report Wages Screen

Administrators and editor users linked to the employer account can view wage reports by selecting View. Users can select Edit Wages to make wage related edits. 

My FAMLI+ Employer TPA Viewing Wage Reports Correct An Error Screen

 Note: For security purposes, a TPA cannot view detailed wage reports in the portal for clients they represent.

My FAMLI+ Employer TPA Viewing Wage Reports Cannot View Reports Message

Selecting Edit Wages takes you to the Report Wages page. Here users can select Add Wages, choose the payroll period they are reporting wages for, then select Continue. This takes you to the page that will display previously reported employees’ SSN/ITIN, first/last names, gross and subject wages, and withheld amounts. Users then can add additional employee information or edit gross wages/withheld amounts by selecting the pencil icon next to the chosen column.

My FAMLI+ Employer TPA Viewing Wage Reports Add Wages

Users can add employee information again and select Submit to overwrite previously reported data. In this case, the pop-up window will indicate Existing Record Found and provide options to Cancel or Overwrite. If you select Overwrite, the system will save the newest report. Users will receive an email notification that a wage report has been updated.

My FAMLI+ Employer TPA Viewing Wage Reports Existing Record Found

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Amendments are any changes to wages that are made after the grace period for the quarter has passed. Users can submit amended wages in My FAMLI+ Employer through a bulk upload or via API. The detailed quarterly wages page includes two buttons: Submit Amendment and View Amendments

My FAMLI+ Employer Amendments Quarterly View

Users can submit or view amendments on the quarterly wage report page for a past-due quarter. Select Submit Amendment to amend wages, and select View Amendments to see previous changes to wages for the quarter. Users go through the regular wage workflow to submit amendments for quarters with past due dates. 

My FAMLI+ Employer Amendments Step 1 Add Wages

If the user is making an amendment to an existing wage record, the system will show that with a pop-up screen: Existing Record Found. If changes are needed, select Overwrite

My FAMLI+ Employer Amendments Existing Record Found

The portal will send a confirmation email when submitted amended wages are processed. 

My FAMLI+ Employer Amendments Submitted Email

Every wage report submission creates a new amendment record. If wages were amended in only one transaction, only one amendment will be generated by the system. 

My FAMLI+ Employer Amendments Card

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Penalties and Interest


Premiums must be paid no later than the last day of the month immediately following the end of the calendar quarter for which premiums have accrued. Penalties and interest will be assessed for delinquent premiums. 


Interest is charged at the rate of 0.66667 percent per month on all late premium charges and any penalties. We do not prorate for any portion of the month but, instead, charge for the entire month on the first date of each month. Interest continues to accrue at the rate of 0.66667 percent per month on any unpaid balance.


Penalties are assessed for late quarterly wage reports and/or past-due premium charges.

  • Late Wage Report Penalty: We assess a penalty on all wages reported late. The penalty is $5 per individual based on the number of employees reported in the most recently reported quarter. For a new employer with 9 or fewer employees, the penalty is $25 per occurrence. For a new employer with 10 or more employees, the penalty is $50 per occurrence. For individuals electing coverage, the penalty is $5 per occurrence.
  • Amended Wage Penalty: We assess a penalty on all wage amendments that increase the premiums attributable to an individual’s wages by 25 percent or more. The penalty is $5 per individual wage amendment.  

In addition to email notifications, users will see notifications directly in the portal on the dashboard, which will show any amended-wage penalties, late wage report penalties, and outstanding interest due. 

My FAMLI+ Employer Penalties Notifications

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Employers may collect the employees’ share of the FAMLI premium through a simple payroll deduction. FAMLI is funded by both employers and employees based on 0.9% of wages, half paid by the employer and half paid by the employee. Employers are responsible for submitting both their share (if required) and their employees’ share of the premium to the FAMLI Division once a quarter. 

Users can elect to make payments in the My FAMLI+ Employer portal. You will need to access the Make a Payment workflow from the main dashboard or the Wages & Payments dashboard. Below is a step-by-step guide to making payments starting from the main dashboard. 

 Note: For additional payment instructions including API, ACH credit and online bill pay, please visit our Employers Page and select Paying Your Premiums.


Making a Payment through the My FAMLI+ Employer Portal


Employers have the opportunity to pay their premiums manually from the main dashboard. From the Dashboard select Go to Payments

My FAMLI+ Employer Payments Dashboard Go To Payments

You will be taken to the payment page where you will search for your account. 

My FAMLI+ Employer Payments Dashboard Account Selection

 Note: In the Payment Resources section you can see how payments are applied. Payments are applied to your balance from the oldest to most recent quarter, in the following order: fines and penalties, fees, interest, and then premiums. 

Once you have selected the account you wish to make a payment for, your Account Information and Balance Overview will appear. You will have the option to pay the total amount, or to choose another amount you wish to pay. Select the amount you wish to pay and select Continue. If you choose Other Amount, you will be prompted to enter the amount. 

My FAMLI+ Employer Payments Dashboard Other Amount

When you arrive at the Make a Payment page, you will be prompted to enter account information. Include the account holder’s name, account type, bank account type, account number, and routing number. The system will prompt you to confirm your account and routing numbers. 

My FAMLI+ Employer Payments Dashboard Payment Method

If your account accumulated penalties and interest, the list of those penalties and interests will be shown in a table including the following information: date, type, amount, due date, and description. 

My FAMLI+ Employer Payments Dashboard Payment Selection

When you have successfully submitted your payment method, you will have the opportunity to review your payment. Check the box to attest that all your information is correct and select Submit

You will receive confirmation of your payment submission. This screen will include a payment summary.

My FAMLI+ Employer Payments Dashboard Payment Confirmation

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Payment by Check


If you wish to make payments by check, you can do so by downloading the Remittance Note. Complete this document and return it to the Division of Family and Medical Leave Insurance. The Remittance Notice can be downloaded from the main dashboard. From the main dashboard, select Go to Payments

Search for your account using your FEIN or a keyword from the business’s name. When your account has loaded, find Download Remittance Note in the lower left corner of your screen. When you select this button, a PDF of the Remittance Note will open in a new tab. 

My FAMLI+ Employer Pay By Check Download Remittance Note

Mail the check and your Remittance Note to the following secure PO Box address: 

Division of Family and Medical Leave Insurance 
PO BOX 5070 
Denver, CO 80217-5070 

Include your 10-digit FAMLI account number on the check memo.

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Installment Payment Agreements


An Installment Payment Agreement (IPA) is a financial arrangement that allows employers to pay off their owed amounts in smaller, manageable installments over a set period rather than paying a lump sum. You can initiate the process to start an installment payment agreement by calling FAMLI and requesting to set up an IPA. FAMLI will call you back to discuss the terms of the IPA. Payments for your IPA can be made in the wages and payment screen. 


Payment History


To view payment history, navigate to your Wages & Payments dashboard and select Payment History

My FAMLI+ Employer Payment History Card

You will be taken to the Payment History page, where you can view all previously made payments as well as any failed payments, which are indicated by a status Payment Error.

My FAMLI+ Employer Payment History Page

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 Local Government Employers: Remitting Payments on Behalf of an Employee


If an organization has opted out of FAMLI participation and wishes to remit payments on behalf of an employee who has opted in to FAMLI participation, that organization will follow the normal workflow for submitting payments

The Make a Payment workflow for local governments remitting on behalf of employees of opted-out local governments (EOOLG) is designed to work with the current payment workflow experience. 

My FAMLI+ Employer Local Governments Employer Remitting Wages & Payments

From Step 1 of the Make a Payment workflow, the local government employer can search/select for EOOLG accounts. If an EOOLG has authorized access to the local government employer by providing remitting start and end dates, and today is within that date range, the EOOLG account will appear as an option. If the remitting start and end date range is before or after today, the EOOLG account will not appear as an option.

My FAMLI+ Employer Local Governments Employer Remitting Make A Payments

After selecting the EOOLG account, the local government employer can make a payment for any open receivable item listed, regardless of whether or not the receivable item is tied to a quarter outside of the remitting start and end date period.

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