Life happens, and sometimes workers aren’t able to file their own FAMLI claims when an illness or injury forces them to temporarily step away from the job. That’s why Colorado allows workers to authorize a Designated Representative (usually a relative) to file a FAMLI claim on their behalf.

Here are some important things to know if you need to file a FAMLI claim as a Designated Representative:
- Make sure you qualify to be a Designated Representative. You must be legally authorized to make decisions on behalf of a claimant, with regard to the FAMLI program. That legal authorization may be through written designation from the claimant, or through legal status as a parent, guardian, conservator, or power of attorney.
- If the claimant is unable to file a claim or authorize a designated representative due to medical incapacitation, a claimant’s family member may serve as a designated representative without prior authorization from the claimant.
- For safe leave applications, the alleged perpetrator of domestic violence, stalking, sexual assault, or sexual abuse may not be the claimant’s designated representative.
- You’ll need to start the process by creating a My FAMLI+ account in your own name, not the name of the incapacitated worker. To do that, you’ll need an account on Not sure how to do that? Find step-by-step instructions on our User Guide: Getting Started page.
- Once you’ve got your account set up, the program will ask if you want to file as a Designated Representative. You’ll need to identify if you have legal authority to file on behalf of someone else or if they are medically incapacitated. The system will ask you a few more questions about your particular situation. Check out our How-To Video to File as a Designated Representative for a step-by-step runthrough.
Unsure if you qualify as a Designated Representative? Here’s when NOT to file as Designated Representative:
- If you are applying for FAMLI leave, so you can take time off to care for a family member, you are NOT a Designated Representative. Answer “No” to this question. You’ll be asked later about your reason for leave in which you will select the option to care for a family member.
- If you are simply helping a friend or family member file a claim for their own serious health condition, do not have legal authority over them and they are not medically incapacitated, you are NOT a Designated Representative. In this situation, you should help the claimant by using their own contact information and personal details when supporting them in the claim filing process starting with the first step of making an account with This will ensure the claimant can gain access to their account and all important information regarding the status of the claim is sent to the correct contact information for the claimant.