Required Program Notice

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The FAMLI statute requires that employers post a notice to inform workers about the FAMLI Program by January 1, 2023. We now have the Required 2023 FAMLI Program Notice poster available to download in our Employer Toolkit. It must be hung in a prominent, visible workplace location. Download and post your copy of the poster today!

Another tool to help educate your employees about the FAMLI program is the FAMLI Paycheck Stuffer. Employers can pair this with their regular paystubs, post it to their intranet, distribute it in internal newsletters or any other internal communication channels that reach employees. 

Our new 2023 FAMLI Employee Handbook is also available to businesses to add to their existing employee handbooks. This handbook provides your employees a high level overview of the program with details they need to know for 2023. We’ll be creating an updated version later next year before benefits become available in January 2024.

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